Tag: Nashville lumber company

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What Materials Should You Be Using to Build Your Deck?

With so many options for your backyard, Popular Mechanics helps break down the five basic types of decking you can use for your backyard oasis.  Oakley Lumber offers building material, building supplies and many of the products highlighted in the article below at our lumber yards in Nashville, TN.  Check out our products page  or contact us in Nashville, TN, to learn more about how our Nashville lumber company can help you choose to best products for your backyard!

The Best Alternatives to Rosewood

Rosewood is a tropical-native species of tree that is mainly found in areas such as Africa, and Central and South America. Specifically, Rosewood is used to make hardwood specialty items such as luxury furniture, paneling, and musical instruments. This is a species of wood that is highly coveted by the upper class due to its beautiful rich colors of dark chocolate, red-brown, and even a purple-brown.