Do’s and Don’ts of Solvent Waste Disposal

News | jlbworks
Dec 11, 2017
Nashville Lumber Company on Solvent Waste Disposal
Solvents are used very frequently when it comes to woodwork. Generally, solvents are a range of paint thinners, paint strippers, stainers, and lacquers that are applied to wood in the final stages of installation to meet the needs and criteria of the clients. Though they are frequently used, it is very important for installers to dispose of this waste carefully and legally–of course, while applying such solvents they should always be wearing the proper masks and eyewear to protect them against the fumes.
In many cases, solvent waste can be very difficult to get rid of but very easy to collect. Many of those who dabble in the great world of lumber will note that even when they use water-based finished, dirty solvent tends to still gather over time. Here are a few do’s and don’ts of solvent waste disposal you must always keep in mind:
- DON’T: Spray the solvent in an outside area. Even though solvent is designed to eventually evaporate away over time, many laws forbid you to do this.
- DO: If you do not have a lot of solvent left over from your work, you can pour whatever remains into cans–with a fume hood–and let it sit until it evaporates. Once it evaporates, you will be left with the solid form which can easily be thrown away in a standard trash can.
- DON’T: Dispose of your solvent waste in the confines of your backyard or an empty lot. If it’s not healthy for you to breathe in, it’s not healthy for the earth to absorb.
- DO: Contact your local waste management facility for specific directions on how to handle your solvent waste.
- DON’T: Pour the remaining solvent down the drain or in the toilet. It may seem tempting, but it’s not safe to do. There is only very few solvent waste that can be diluted first, then poured down the drain. You must do your research or consult someone with optimum knowledge of chemical processes, first.
Solvent waste can be quite a precarious thing and should be treated as such. Always keep in mind that ‘dilution is not the solution’; though it may seem like the obvious answer, diluting solvent waste with water does not change its chemical structure. If you are looking to add a stain or lacquer to your wood decking or hardwood floors, be sure to contact your local Nashville lumber company for the best, and safest results. We have the building material and building supplies you need.